What Kind of Dog Is Everest from Paw Patrol? Cartoon Dogs Presented

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Paw Patrol is one of the greatest cartoons of today’s children. You see Paw Patrol memorabilia anywhere you look in stores. So by now, we’re sure you’re well aware that Paw Patrol is an adorable show about a group of pups on the scenes to fulfill different services to humanity. If you have been watching this show with your kids, you might wonder what the dog breeds are for all of these cute pups.

If you’re a big fan of Everest, you might wonder what kind of dog she is. Why, Everest is a Husky, of course. Couldn’t you tell by the silly, energetic behavior she possesses? Read a little bit more about Everest herself, the show, and all about Huskies!


Everest the Snow Rescue Pup

Everest is voiced by US and Canadian voice actor Berkley Silverman. This pup is member #9, in charge of the snow search and rescue team. So she is technically the 9th overall member, but the 7th pup. Her caretaker is Jake, whom she loves and rescues any chance she gets.

When Jake and Everest met each other, Jake was just about to fall off a giant cliff at the South Pole, and she saved him! Typical Husky. Once she performed this action, it was over from there. She imprinted on Jake, and he was her person.

Surprisingly, Everest was only the second female cast member of paw patrol. She is a fun-loving girl who is enthusiastic and loves to help. She’s super affectionate towards Jake. Before her days in the Paw Patrol, she absolutely loved rescuing Penguins at the South Pole.

Everest is known to be very hyperactive and playful. Sky, the other female member who is a cockapoo, is much more girly than Everest. Everest has a tomboy-like feel and isn’t afraid to get her paws dirty. You will see Everest in colors of white and lavender with her teal and orange backpack.

She is a lively character that’s cute to boot. She also tries out different hats and shoes! She’s quite the girl. Is Everest your favorite Paw Patrol member? We definitely don’t blame you there!

Everest from Paw Patrol_Guru Animation Studio Ltd., Spin Master Ltd.
Image Credit: Characters by Guru Animation Studio Ltd., Spin Master Ltd.  All rights reserved to the copyright owners.

About Everest’s Breed—The Siberian Husky

So, how similar is Everest’s personality compared to actual Huskies? After all, she was completely modeled after the breed, coming from a very snowy climate and performing snow rescues, two things that Huskies are definitely notorious for doing.

The truth is, the show did an incredible job demonstrating this breed’s personality and rules. Huskies are notoriously playful, vocal, and ready to party. They tend to have drastically different personalities from many common breeds we know and love.

Huskies are big-time runners with a lust for adventure. You might hear of Huskies getting away from their owners and running off. That is not uncommon for the breed. It’s one of the things that your Husky loves most, adventure.

So if you really love Huskies, you are most compatible with them if you have a super active lifestyle. They love to go on hikes, walks, and adventures and will gladly accompany you on your travels. Huskies can be quite prey-driven and, therefore, incompatible with smaller pets. But they typically do exceptionally well with other dogs. In fact, these pack animals thrive in the companionship of other canines.

In their natural habitat, Huskies were bound together and needed the sled dogs, bringing a sense of teamwork into their DNA. So if you have a Husky, it’s best to ensure they’re not the only dog around.

This makes them crave the companionship that only other canines can provide.

siberian husky sitting
Image Credit: Aleksandr Abrosimov, Shutterstock



Final Thoughts

If you know anything about a Husky, you know how much they love the snow and what a lust they have for adventure. So now you know Everest is a spunky Siberian Husky who loves rescuing

Penguins. Does a pup like Everest seem like one you want to bring home to your family?

Huskies can be extremely terrific companion animals for the right household. But they definitely won’t be a match for everybody. If so, research the breed thoroughly to ensure you can give them the exercise requirements they absolutely need.

Featured Image Credit: Characters by Guru Animation Studio Ltd., Spin Master Ltd.  All rights reserved to the copyright owners.

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