Roman Rottweiler Dog Breed Guide: Info, Pictures, Care & More!
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Giant in size and calm in demeanor, Roman Rottweilers could be considered the ‘old school’ version of a Rottweiler. Intended as a throwback to the earliest Rottweilers, more Mastiff-size dogs who served in the Roman army, these dogs aren’t a distinct breed but rather an extra-large version of the Rottweiler.
Breed Overview
Black and tan, black and mahogany
Suitable for:
Experienced dog owners, with the time and space to handle a large, protective breed
Protective, calm, friendly, intelligent, watchful
If you’re an experienced dog owner with room in your home and heart for one of these enormous pups, keep reading to learn more about the mighty Roman Rottweiler.
Roman Rottweiler Characteristics
Roman Rottweiler Puppies
Unlike traditional Rottweilers, Roman Rottweiler puppies can be tough to find. Because of this, they can also be expensive. Finding a reputable Roman Rottweiler breeder is especially important. These dogs aren’t a separately recognized breed but an extra-large and heavy version of a regular Rottweiler. To get these bigger dogs, some breeders use unsafe breeding practices that can result in genetic issues and poor health.
You may be able to find one of these dogs available for adoption through a shelter or Rottweiler rescue group at a lower cost.
If you are thinking of welcoming a Roman Rottweiler into your home, be sure to think carefully if you are not an experienced dog owner. You will need to ensure you have the time and space to handle this large and protective breed.
Temperament & Intelligence of the Roman Rottweiler
True to their long history as guard dogs, Roman Rottweilers are naturally loyal and protective dogs. This combined with their large size can cause problems if they aren’t trained and socialized by an experienced owner.
Properly raised Roman Rottweilers make calm, loving pets towards their family but retain a watchful and suspicious attitude towards strangers. Extremely intelligent, Roman Rottweilers thrive as working dogs and respond well to training.
Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪
With the right mix of training, socialization, and knowledgeable owners, Roman Rottweilers can make good family guard dogs and pets. Because of their size and instinctive protective nature, they need to be worked with from an early age to ensure they understand their place in the family and society. This is especially important if the Roman Rottweiler is part of a busy, social family where they may encounter lots of unfamiliar adults and children.
Because of their size, Roman Rottweilers should always be supervised when interacting with children, especially very small ones. Older children will need to be taught how to behave around a giant, protective dog. Roman Rottweilers enjoy spending time with their owners and won’t do well if they must spend long periods alone.
Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?
Roman Rottweilers can be dominant at times and protective even against other canines. They will need early and careful socialization to safely get along with other dogs. If they are to live with cats, the temperament of both dog and cat should be considered.
Some cats may be too stressed by the giant Roman Rottweiler. Any aggressive encounters won’t turn out well for the cat and it may be better to avoid mixing the two species.
Small exotic pets also may be too stressed to safely live with a Roman Rottweiler, even if the dog shows no aggression towards them.
Things to Know When Owning a Roman Rottweiler
Before entering into the commitment of pet ownership, it’s important to learn everything you can about what you can expect in regard to their care. For a large, powerful breed like the Roman Rottweiler, the cost and care involved can be a lot more than what you might expect. Here’s what you need to know before you own a Roman Rottweiler.
Food & Diet Requirements 🦴
Roman Rottweilers will need to eat high-quality, nutritionally balanced dog food. Because of their size, your monthly food budget will be higher than it would be for feeding a smaller breed. Your veterinarian can help you determine the right amount of food to feed your dog to keep them at a healthy weight.
Large and giant breed dogs can develop bone and joint issues if they grow too quickly and Roman Rottweilers are no exception. Extra attention should be paid to nutrition during the earliest years of these dogs’ lives. Roman Rottweilers are prone to becoming overweight, which can put extra stress on their joints as well.
Exercise 🐕
Surprisingly, Roman Rottweilers, while they are active dogs, don’t necessarily require a yard or large outdoor space. Like many giant breeds, they can be fairly calm and inactive indoors. However, this doesn’t mean they don’t need regular exercise.
Roman Rottweilers should have about 30-45 minutes of activity per day. In most cases, a nice long walk or jog will fit the bill. Roman Rottweilers can also learn and enjoy canine sports such as tracking and cart-pulling. Spending time exercising with your Roman Rottweiler can help you both stay fit and enhance your bond.
Training 🎾
Strong, powerful, and prone to being dominant and protective, Roman Rottweilers absolutely require training and socialization starting from the earliest age. They are intelligent and eager-to-learn breed but can sometimes be a little stubborn. Short, regular training sessions will be the most effective.
While they require a firm hand, Roman Rottweilers should never be trained using harsh methods or punishment. This kind of training is much more likely to be ineffective and even result in a dog becoming aggressive and unpredictable. Owners of powerful dogs like the Roman Rottweiler must be extra dedicated to ensuring their dogs are safe, well-mannered members of society.
Grooming ✂️
Roman Rottweilers have short, thick coats that shed a moderate amount, heavier seasonally. Regular brushing will help keep their coats healthy and control the amount of hair that ends up on your furniture! You should also keep the dog’s nails trimmed short and their ears clean.
Dental care is another important part of any dog’s grooming routine. Teeth brushing is the ideal option but you can also use other dental health products on the advice of your veterinarian. Because of their size, try to begin getting your Roman Rottweiler used to these grooming activities at an early age to make both of your lives easier once they’re grown!
Health and Conditions 🏥
As we’ve previously discussed, the methods used to breed Roman Rottweilers sometimes result in unhealthy dogs. Avoiding irresponsible breeders can help you wind up with a healthier pet. Roman Rottweilers can also suffer some of the same inherited conditions as other Rottweilers.
Minor Conditions
Serious Conditions
Male vs Female
Male Roman Rottweilers are commonly much larger than females, as well as more prone to displaying aggressive and dominant behavior. Neutering often helps mellow out a male Roman Rottweiler, as well as make it less likely that he feels the need to urine mark.
Female Roman Rottweilers often live longer than males. You’ll also need to decide whether you want to have your female spayed. If not, she will go into heat starting at about 6 months of age and twice a year after that.
3 Little-Known Facts About the Roman Rottweiler
1. They’re a very old breed.
Roman Rottweilers are considered a throwback to the earliest ancestors of the modern Rottweiler, giant Mastiff-type dogs that served as guardians and herd dogs during the Roman empire.
2. Roman Rottweiler isn’t their only name.
Because these dogs aren’t technically a separate breed, you may see them listed under several different names. Some breeders refer to these giant Rottweilers as Gladiator Rottweilers, XXL Rottweilers or just Giant Rottweilers.
3. They’re controversial.
As we already discussed, Roman Rottweilers aren’t actually a separate breed so much as an extra-large version of a Rottweiler. However, some breeders may take advantage of unsuspecting buyers and advertise them as a distinct breed to charge more money.
Creating these super-sized Rottweilers can also be done unethically, resulting in unhealthy, genetically inferior dogs. In some cases, Roman Rottweilers are actually mixed breed dogs, with giant breeds such as the Tibetan Mastiff added in to create their enormous size.
Final Thoughts
Owning a giant dog breed is a dream come true for many people and a coveted status symbol for others. Make sure you take the time to research any dog breed you’re considering, especially if it’s one as big and potentially difficult to handle as the Roman Rottweiler. Not every dog breed is best for all owners and unfortunately, the dogs end up paying the price if the humans don’t take the time to educate themselves. Roman Rottweilers are a complicated breed but like all dogs, they deserve loving homes and the chance to live a long, healthy life.
Featured Image Credit: Tami Freed, Shutterstock