Can a Dog Overdose on CBD Oil? Signs & Precautions
CBD oil can be used on dogs to help with several different health benefits. While there’s yet to be any definitive research on the exact effects of CBD oil on dogs, many people use it for its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, which can help with issues like joint pain and anxiety.
Fortunately, dogs can’t overdose on CBD oil. However, it doesn’t mean that you should give your dog more than the recommended daily dosage. Dogs can still get sick from consuming too much CBD oil.
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD oil is composed of a compound called cannabidiol. Cannabidiol can be found in cannabis or hemp. CBD oil doesn’t contain any THC, which is the compound responsible for psychoactive effects. In fact, most products containing CBD oil use CBD derived from hemp.
Signs Your Dog Has Had Too Much CBD Oil
Dogs can’t overdose on CBD oil because it doesn’t contain any toxic or psychoactive properties. However, it can still cause an upset stomach if a dog takes too much of it. So, your dog may experience vomiting or diarrhea.
Your dog may also become drowsy and lethargic if it has too much CBD oil. It may also become disoriented and temporarily lack coordination. Taking too much CBD oil can also lead to dry mouth, so you might notice increased thirst with your dog.
What to Do If Your Dog Gets Sick from CBD Oil
In most cases, you’ll have to wait for the symptoms to go away on their own as the CBD oil passes through your dog’s system. Make sure to leave out plenty of water for your dog to drink.
If your dog has an upset stomach, refrain from feeding it any food for between 12-24 hours until it stops vomiting or having diarrhea. Then, you can slowly reintroduce food by giving your dog bland, easily digestible foods, like white rice or pumpkin. As your dog recovers, you can incorporate its regular food back into its diet incrementally.
It’s also helpful to contact your veterinarian for further care advice. Your veterinarian can provide information on making your dog as comfortable as possible as it waits for symptoms to subside. If your dog’s upset stomach doesn’t get better within 24 hours, make sure to call your veterinarian for further instructions.
Always make sure that you only give your dog CBD oil made for dogs. CBD oil made for dogs is made with hemp and must contain no more than 0.3% THC. This will protect your dog from poisoning and allow them to take CBD oil safely.
If your dog eats CBD oil for humans or any other cannabis products, make sure to contact your veterinarian right away for treatment. If you can, make sure to gather information on how much product your dog has eaten and at what time. This information will be helpful for your veterinarian.
In general, CBD oil for dogs is safe, and your dog shouldn’t experience severe symptoms if it accidentally eats too much of it. So, if your dog ingests more than the recommended amount of CBD oil, provide a comfortable space and plenty of water and wait for it to sleep off its symptoms. If you start noticing more serious symptoms, contact your veterinarian for further instructions.
Featured Image Credit: Vane Nunes, Shutterstock