Are Dobermans More Protective than Other Dogs? Facts & FAQ

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Dobermans were bred to guard humans and property, and they will protect their owners with whatever force is necessary. While owning a Doberman is a unique experience, the dogs get a bad rap for being aggressive and mean.

As with any other dog breed, it depends on how you socialize, train, and treat your Dobie as to whether it becomes aggressive and mean. While Dobermans are protective, we wouldn’t say they are any more protective than other dogs.

Studies have shown they are slightly more protective than German Shepherds, but that again comes back to how the dog was raised. Dobermans tend to put on an aggressive face and try to scare off an intruder or threat before biting. Of course, if the danger keeps coming, the Dobie will attack and bite to protect its family.

In the article below, we’ll provide insight into the Doberman’s nature and how protective it is.

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Will My Doberman Protect Me?

Yes, your Doberman will protect you, your family, and your property if he feels you are being threatened. These dogs were initially bred to defend, guard, and protect.

Dobermans are wary of any stranger, so you don’t have to worry about someone you don’t know coming onto your property. Any Doberman needs to be cared for by an experienced owner just because of its size. It isn’t the best dog for first-time pet owners since it takes a firm hand to teach the Doberman how to behave with strangers that aren’t intruders.

A Doberman must be taught when they should attack and when they shouldn’t since they were bred to protect.

Doberman sitting on flowers
Image Credit By: Yama Zsuzsanna Márkus, Pixabay

Will My Doberman Attack an Intruder?

Yes, Dobermans will generally attack an intruder to let them know that they are unwelcome on the property or in your home. With their speed and agility, the dogs can guard large areas of property and quickly stop people from getting in.

The Doberman shows aggression towards anyone it thinks is a threat, but it won’t attack by biting unless the intruder persists in coming onto the property or messing with its family.

With that being said, it’s best to have your Doberman trained when it’s still a puppy. It’s also better to have the dog trained by a professional to ensure it develops into a well-behaved pet. Dobermans that are professionally trained can usually easily tell the difference between threats and non-threats and react accordingly.


Wrap Up

Dobermans were bred to protect, guard, and defend their owners. However, we don’t think that they are any more protective than other dogs. It is important that you have your Doberman socialized and trained by a professional as a puppy so that he grows up knowing what’s a threat and what isn’t.

Dobermans make exceptional pets. They are intelligent, loving, loyal, and have a stubborn streak. You just have to know how to handle your Doberman the right way.

Featured Image Credit: SasaStock, Shutterstock

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