10 Amazing Superfoods for Dogs: Top Picks & Benefits
Superfoods are foods that are dense in nutrition and low in calories. Not only that, but they also offer vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants to keep us healthy. But superfoods are not only for humans—dogs can enjoy superfoods, too. Let’s face it: dogs love to eat anything you’ll give them, and feeding superfoods for a treat is a healthy option for your pooch. But what superfoods are safe for dogs?
In this guide, we’ll list 10 amazing superfoods that you can feel good about feeding to your beloved canine pal. Read on to discover your dog’s next favorite treat!
The 10 Amazing Superfoods for Dogs Are
1. Blueberries
Blueberries are one of the easiest superfoods to feed your dog. They are small and can be given raw, frozen, or puréed. Blueberries contain a slew of nutrients, such as fiber, vitamin C, K, antioxidants, copper, and manganese.
Take heed to only give in small amounts, as feeding too many can cause gastrointestinal upset. Feeding 8–10 blueberries per day should be fine. However, some commercial “premium” dog foods have blueberries in the ingredients, but some nutritional value gets lost during processing. With that said, go ahead and give your dog a few blueberries as treats.
2. Spinach
Spinach is an excellent superfood to give your dog but only in small amounts and in moderation. Too much spinach can cause kidney damage due to the high level of oxalic acid. Your dog would have to consume a vast amount to cause any problems, but it’s still best to only give in moderation.
Steaming spinach is the best way to give it to your dog because boiling it causes the loss of some nutrients, and raw spinach is hard for dogs to digest. You should be safe giving 1–3 tablespoons of chopped, plain, steamed spinach to your dog’s food every few days.
3. Carrots
Carrots are high in beta-carotene, fiber, and vitamin A. Carrots are hard and crunchy, which serves well for your dog’s teeth. Most dogs love carrots, and you can feed them raw or cooked; however, serve them without any seasonings or spices, as your dog certainly does not need these ingredients, and they can be harmful to canines. You can chop a few up and add to your dog’s food or simply give one to two small carrots right out of the bag.
4. Sardines/Anchovies
Not everyone is a fan of sardines and anchovies, but odds are your dog will love them. Anchovies are little saltwater fish packed with omega-3 fatty acids that make an excellent superfood for your dog. Anchovies only have roughly 8 calories each, and you can feel safe feeding your dog two to three per day. If you buy in pouches or tin cans, ensure there are no added preservatives and seasonings.
Sardines also have omega-3 fatty acids and serve as a powerful anti-inflammatory. They also have vitamins, calcium, minerals, and protein to help keep your dog healthy. You can add a few sardines to your dog’s regular meal about once a week.
5. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants and fiber. They can aid in a shiny, healthy coat, control blood sugar levels, improve eyesight, and strengthen cells within your dog’s body. They are also loaded with iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamins.
It’s best to soak chia seeds before adding them to your dog’s food due to prevent a possible choking hazard. You also don’t want to give too much in one sitting because of the fatty acid content; sprinkle roughly ¼ teaspoon for every 10 pounds of your dog’s weight for maximum benefit.
6. Pumpkin
Pumpkin is one of the most beneficial superfoods you can give your dog, and most love the taste. Pumpkin contains vitamins A, C, and E, as well as potassium and iron. It’s also loaded with fiber for smooth digestion.
Speaking of digestion, pumpkin is excellent to give your dog for an upset tummy because it adds bulk to the stool. Canned pumpkin is the easiest way to feed. Just be sure the only ingredient is, in fact, pumpkin.
You can add 1–4 tablespoons to your dog’s food, but you should start out small to ensure your dog digests it well. If your dog has an upset tummy, give them a couple of spoonfuls right out of the can.
7. Watermelon
Watermelon is a sweet and hydrating treat loaded with vitamins and potassium, and it’s low in calories. It can also reduce inflammation and support heart health. Before feeding it to your dog, be sure to remove the rind and seeds to prevent an intestinal blockage. Serve them frozen on a hot day, or serve them in chunks. You can even puree them if so inclined.
8. Apples
Apples provide vitamin C, A. potassium, antioxidants, and fiber. The sweetness of apples is usually a hit with dogs, and you can feel confident that your dog is getting essential nutrients in eating them.
An important note about apples, however, is you should only feed apples with the seeds and core removed, as this part of the apple is toxic. Feel free to give an apple slice a two, but don’t give too much because it could cause diarrhea.
9. Cooked Eggs
Eggs are high in protein and have many benefits for dogs. They are chock-full of vitamins and fatty acids, and dogs gobble them up. Only feed one egg per day because too much can cause obesity. You can add the egg to your dog’s regular food.
Before feeding eggs to your dog, ensure you cook them first without any salt or added seasonings. Raw eggs could have harmful bacteria, which can make your dog sick.
10. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are full of fiber, vitamins, calcium, potassium, and iron. They are low in fat and have many potential health benefits, such as fighting cancer, preventing heart disease, and reducing inflammation.
Never feed raw sweet potato to your dog, as this could cause a blockage. Dogs sometimes inhale their food, and a hard sweet potato could prove disastrous to your dog’s intestinal tract. You should also peel the potatoes, as the skin may be harder to digest as well.
Final Thoughts
As with any treat, only feed these superfoods in moderation. Too much of a good thing can be harmful, and the goal here is to provide a healthy snack or a boost to your dog’s food. All the superfoods listed in this article are not meant to replace your dog’s regular diet but rather provide your dog with a tasty, healthy snack or treat.
It’s wise to consult your veterinarian before giving your dog something new, and you should start out slow to see how your dog’s digestive system reacts.
Featured Image Credit: Daria Jahor, Shutterstock